
包括企业在内的私人机构, churches, 民间团体, 俱乐部为有资格的学生提供奖学金. 去当地的图书馆查一下, 在线奖学金搜索引擎, 还有私人组织的其他机会.

由于大量的请求, ACC不能在其网站上公布所有外部奖学金机会.  The college lists opportunities provided by local donors specifically aimed at local Central Texas students.

如需将奖学金加入此列表,请联系 (电子邮件保护).


DISCLAIMER: Inclusion in the list below does not constitute endorsement by Austin 社区 College of the organization or scholarship being offered. The information provided in this section is for informational purposes only. It is the responsibility of the student to verify all information related to the scholarship application, 包括任何要求和相关的截止日期.

A+联邦信用合作社奖学金计划 High School graduating seniors pursuing an education major or a major in other fields; and/or current college students with a minimum of 60 collegiate hours, 并成功被教育学院录取.  Must be a current A+FCU member, or an immediate family member of an A+FCU member. February
美国黑人主计长雇员协会.  Must be a graduating high school senior or a current undergraduate student; have at least a 2.5 GPA; and plan to attend or are currently attending an accredited post secondary educational institution.   May
邦妮·朱克奖学金 This yearly scholarship will award $3000 to a student studying Business Administration or Law at an accredited college or university. June
Boom & 巴克特学生奖学金计划 Boom在德克萨斯州奥斯汀成立 & Bucket offers a $1,000 scholarship annually to a student pursuing a heavy machinery-themed program. This scholarship is available to currently enrolled students and future students planning to attend a program within the next 12 months. March
好主意 Must be enrolled full time at ACC, not have a college degree, have a GED or HS diploma, be a U.S. 公民或永久居民, 符合低收入居民资格, 年满18岁, reside in Travis County or other qualifying area (see their website for information), 并且必须承诺毕业后找工作.  Varies
中得克萨斯CPCU协会分会奖学金 1美元的多项奖学金,000 each for local students with interest in a career in the insurance industry. June
同情奖学金 Funded by the Compassion Newsletter written and edited by death row prisoners, this scholarship opportunity is offered to students who have had a murder victim in their immediate family. Varies
完整的Web资源 这家总部位于奥斯汀的公司每年奖励1美元,向符合条件的大专或大学学生提供1万英镑奖学金. 申请者将写一篇750字或更多的关于设计的文章, 广告, 创造性的工作, or form of new media that influenced their perspective on a social issue May
建设领导委员会-奥斯汀分会 ​The Construction Leadership Council (CLC) is dedicated to cultivating the future generations of leaders in the construction industry through community service, 网络, 继续教育, 专业, 和领导能力. The CLC would like to offer financial assistance to students who have demonstrated these characteristics and are pursuing a career in the construction industry. April
EWRI奥斯汀 奥斯汀环境分会 & Water Resources Institute (EWRI) is offering a scholarship opportunity for up to $2,000 to undergraduate students pursuing a water resources or environment field. The organization’s mission is advancing water resources and environmental solutions to achieve a sustainable future. June
Gloria Mata Pennington奖学金 第一代拉丁裔学生. March
西班牙裔大学协会 & 大学 现在和未来的ACC学生. May
西班牙奖学金联盟(HSC)奖学金计划 Students of Hispanic origin planning on enrolling full time; must reside in Texas. May
奥斯汀市房屋管理局 公屋居民. Varies
IDEAYA公司. 平均绩点在2分之间的高中毕业生.0 and 3.我将在秋季就读德州公立学院/大学. April
墨西哥奥斯汀(墨西哥驻奥斯汀总领事馆) First- or second-generation Mexican or Latino immigrants living in Consulate’s jurisdiction who are entering college for the first time in the fall. April
微软网络安全奖学金计划 U.S. residents enrolled in a cybersecurity pathway at a 2-year institution who 证明经济需要. 迄今为止,已有14名ACC学生通过该项目获得了资助. Monthly
米蒂·格拉纪念奖学金 Awarded annually to a Hispanic woman residing in the Greater Austin area who has shown determination in overcoming barriers to accomplish her educational goals. This scholarship targets low income students who are struggling to stay in school and in serious financial need. March
新布朗费尔斯马丁·路德·金奖学金 Person 30 years or older residing in New Braunfels or Comal County, Texas. April
PART奥斯汀第一代奖学金 Awarded to a first-generation Latina enrolled in a college or university (undergraduate) in the Greater Austin area. March
校舍连接青年领袖 & 奖学金项目 6月1日或之后出生的学生可参加, 2004 who are starting college for the first time in the 2025-2026 school year and have experienced homelessness in the last 6 years. June
SkillPointe基金会 U.S. citizens or legal residents pursuing technical/vocational training in construction, 医疗保健, energy, 制造业, 运输, 等领域,以取得证书为目的, 凭证, 或两年制学位. 每月的最后一天
SoCo女子合唱团 SoCo女子合唱团 is offering it’s 8th annual Melody Claire Hall Vocal Scholarship. This $1500 award honors a female Austin-area high school senior or college freshman who is pursuing a 4-year higher education degree as a vocal major. March
TADC城市奖学基金 来自德州29个城市的高中毕业生. July
德州测量师基金会. 必须报读与测量有关的课程, 德克萨斯州的居民, 证明经济需要, 以及学业成绩.  Varies
联合国儿童基金会联合学者赋权方案 This renewable scholarship opportunity is open to African American/Black students pursuing a certificate or an Associates degree. Preference will be given to students with a focus on trades or allied health professions. July
美国食品学者计划 被选为美国食品学者的学生将获得20美元的奖金,000英镑的奖学金来支持他们的教育, as well as exclusive opportunities to engage with and learn from US Foods Chefs and professionals.  May
U.S. 西部数字STEM奖学金 西部数据提供55美元,000 scholarships to full-time undergraduate community college students planning to transfer to an accredited four-year college or university students to pursue a STEM degree. April
富国银行奖学金项目 Wells Fargo offers scholarship opportunities for Veterans and People with Disabilities. Varies
温莎公园邻里协会 温莎公园AISD的高年级学生. 东北高中和LBJ高中的高年级学生. March
奥斯汀的女性传播者 Full-time student currently enrolled in 12 hours with a minimum GPA of 3.0. Must have completed a minimum of 30 hours of coursework with a demonstrated career commitment in communications or media. 必须在德州中部的学院或大学注册. March
