免费的TSI & ESOL考试:4月1日- 8月31日! Please go to your nearest 测试ing Center to take advantage of this opportunity. 无需预约. 申请ACC入学所需的新学生可免费参加考试.

The Texas Success Initiative (TSI) 评估 is a state-required assessment test to determine college-readiness in reading, 写作, 和数学. All entering students must take the TSI test before enrolling in classes unless you are exempt or “TSI-complete.”

1. 我是否需要参加TSI评估?

To confirm you need to take the TSI评估, please scroll down this page to view TSI Exemptions.

2. 我是否需要完成预评估活动(PAA) ??

  • If you are an incoming college student in Texas, the State of Texas requires 所有 students to complete a Pre-评估 Activity (PAA) before taking the TSI评估. 注意: If you are retesting for the TSI评估, are not required to redo the PAA.
  • After you have reviewed 所有 sections, you will receive an emailed Certificate of Completion​. 把这封邮件保存下来 因为我们可能会要求你出示完成证明. 点击这里开始PAA.

3. 我如何支付TSI评税. 我可以看看我是否有资格获得费用减免吗?

要购买TSI评估,请访问 ACC的市场. 保存此邮件 作为你的记录 因为我们可能要求你方出示付款证明.


Tsi / esol你也可能有资格获得TSI/ESOL费用减免. 给财务援助办公室发电子邮件 (电子邮件保护) to find out whether you may be eligible for a waiver before paying the TSI/ESOL fee. 财务援助工作人员会审查申请,并给你发电子邮件. If approved, you will forward this email with 所有 required documents to initiate the testing process. 

4. 如果我需要测试住宿呢?

The Student Accessibility Services (SAS) Office can help with accommodations for the TSI评估.

注意: TSI 2.0不计时. There also is a “save and finish” option that 所有ows you to pause for breaks or pause the testing session altogether to complete on another day. 如果您选择此选项, you must log back in and complete the 数学 and ELR sections within 14 days of pausing. You must complete the essay portion of the assessment in one sitting; pausing to complete on another day 是不允许的. 还有一个虚拟计算器内置于TSI 2.0 platform that has audio reader capabilities and is available once you complete the initial “basic math facts” portion of the 数学 section.


If, 在查看了这些信息之后, you need additional accommodations please contact the intake coordinator at (电子邮件保护).

请联络商业评核处((电子邮件保护)) if you need to take the TSI for another college or university with accommodations.

5. 我已经准备好接受TSI评估了. 我该怎么办??

1. 研究



2. 测试

a. 带上政府签发的带照片的身份证件, 或学校颁发的带照片的身份证件, 或带照片的身份证,以便测试. 带照片的身份证必须是实物身份证. 如果您没有任何类型的带图片的ID,请联系 (电子邮件保护).

b. Bring proof of completion for the Pre-评估 Activity if this is your first time taking the TSI assessment.

c. 如适用,请携带付款证明或费用减免证明.

d. 评估计划


请电子邮件 (电子邮件保护) 请求虚拟远程测试.



Check the list of TSI exemptions and score completions to determine whether you have already met TSI requirements in one or more areas (reading, 写作, 和数学)或满足豁免的标准.



  • Graduated college with an associate or bachelor’s degree; or
  • Have earned a C or higher in a college-level course at an accredited institution. 该课程必须等同于ACC课程 经批准的ACC TSI课程列表.
  • Previously attended any accredited Texas public institution of higher education and was determined by that institution to have met TSI college readiness standards in that specified TSI component area.
  • Are enrolling in a Level 1 waived certificate program and are taking courses only in the certificate award plan
  • 是否作为美国武装部队的一员在服役.S., the Texas National Guard, or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the U.S. 并且在入学前已经服役至少三年. 你将被免除TSI评估.
  • 只参加ESOL课程吗. 只有ESOL的学生可以免除TSI考试. 在获得15个学分后,豁免将被取消. ESOL only students should take the ESOL 评估 instead of the TSI评估
  • 8月1日或之后, 1990, 光荣退伍, 退休, 或者作为美国武装部队的一员从现役中解脱出来.S. or the Texas National Guard or service as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the U.S.
  • 完成SAT考试, 行为, 格, HiSET or other approved assessment exam with the minimum score needed for TSI exemption.


The following tests can be used to exempt you from one or more parts of the TSI评估. 考试必须是在过去五年内参加的.


测试 阅读 & 写作豁免 数学豁免
SAT(2016年3月及以后) 480基于证据的阅读和写作 530年数学
23年2月15日之前采取的行为 23复合,19英文 23综合与19数学
23年2月15日/之后采取行动 英语和阅读总分40分 22日数学
TAKS 2200 ELA(英语语言艺术),写作分3+ 2200年数学
STAAR 英语III (EOC) 4000分 代数2 (E0C)
165 on the Reasoning Through Language Arts (RLA) for the English Language Arts 阅读(ELAR) Exemption. 165数学推理课
HiSET 阅读子测试15, a minimum score of 15 on the 写作 Subtest with a minimum score of 4 on the essay, 英语语言艺术阅读(ELAR)豁免 数学子测试数学豁免15分


  • 23年2月15日之前和之后的行为考试成绩可以合并.
  • Mixing or combining scores from the SAT administered prior to March 2016 and the SAT administered March 2016 and later, 是不允许的.
  • HiSET将在2021年8月31日之后不再在德克萨斯州进行考试. Therefore, any tests taken after the 8/31/2021 test date will not be useable for the TSI exemption.
  • The STAAR Algebra II and English III postsecondary readiness assessments are 可选 地区评估. Please verify with your local school district whether or not the assessment is offered.


You have completed Texas Success Initiative requirements for a subject area if you earn the minimum score listed in the charts below.

State-Approved Minimum Scores to be TSI-Complete, effective January 11, 2021

评估 英语、语言艺术 & 阅读(ELAR) 数学
TSI评估 945分,论文成绩在5分以上
Less than 945 and a Diagnostic Level of 5 or more and an essay score of 5 or higher

State-Approved Minimum Scores to be TSI-Complete for assessment taken prior to January 11, 2021, (自考试之日起5年内有效, if presented for placement and enrollment at any college or university within 5 years of the test date.)

评估  阅读 写作 数学
TSI评估 351 *5 or 4/340 350

*A placement score less than 340 and an ABE Diagnostic level of at least 4, 论文成绩不低于5分.


Scores must be sent to ACC directly from the College Board to be considered official. 更新学生记录需要官方成绩. 

请浏览 坐的网站 并要求将正式成绩发送到十大靠谱赌博平台. 我们学校的代码是6759.


成绩必须直接从行为发送到ACC,才能被视为官方成绩. 更新学生记录需要官方成绩.

请浏览 行为的网站 并要求将正式成绩发送到十大靠谱赌博平台 District. 我们学校的代码是4059.


If you have taken the TSI评估 within the last 5 years at a testing site outside of Austin 社区 College, 而是在德克萨斯州, 请填写 检索TSI分数从这里.


If your college or university needs your scores from a TSI taken at ACC, please submit the 发送TSI分数 form.


Complete the TSI评估准备 if you need to take 所有 or part of the assessment.

